How coaching assists you to make courageous choices when facing a crisis.
Posted by Louise Keramaris
on 6 October 2016
How coaching assists you to make courageous choices when facing a crisis 
Meet Louise Keramaris, Founder and Coaching Director of Infinite Inspiration
Have you ever been at a crossroad, wondering how you got to this place, struggling to make life altering choices amid fear, doubt and a vast abyss of unknowingness?
Or felt an "out of control force" happening in your life, leaving you in need of help from someone you could trust completely to give you confidence and clarity?
I first sought out coaching six years ago, at a time in my life when I was at such a crossroad. I felt extremely unhappy and lacked purpose or motivation. Newly diagnosed with a life-threatening illness, I was terrified and confused by the choices in front of me.
I knew in my bones that my life needed to change, dramatically change, if I had any chance of survival. I come from a proud Greek heritage, with a strict upbringing so showing vulnerability and asking for help was a bitter pill to swallow. However, this was my life, and it was time to make living more important than fear.
I found an extraordinary mentor in holistic health (physical, mental, emotional and spritual), and soon after an exceptionally skilled professional coach. Each person came into my life at the right time to encourage, mentor and coach me to take full responsibility for my life to recreate my life. These two individuals empowered me with their unwavering belief in what was possible and demonstrated an enormous genuine level of care and respect for what I was confronting in my life.
The first mentor explored various deep processes to develop a high level of trust and helped me fully explore the underlying emotional cause of my health crisis from mental, physical and spiritual dimensions. He introduced me to tools and techniques to shift my mindset and make incremental steps to take charge of my health and wellbeing. I was set on a quest for deeper learning and engagement with other personal development leaders and mentors from all over the world. I read numerous books, listened to podcasts, attended workshops and dedicated hours towards transforming and reprogramming every cell in my body. I was determined to get to focus on what I wanted and make positive changes in my life. I continue to invest regularly in my ongoing growth and learning to this day.
Still the questions I had continually flowing through my mind were, "How did this come about? What can I learn from this? What do I need to do differently?" 
From this rock bottom moment, a coach came into my life and gently led me down a path to discover my real passion and purpose. I was able to uncover and appreciate my innate talents, such as my natural curiosity for what makes people 'tick.' I genuinely love and care deeply for people, and instead of that making me a sucker (as it had done in the past), I could now see how this empathy and compassion were my greatest strengths.
With renewed clarity, I went back to study and made a career transition into being a coach, with the clear purpose to empower people to flourish in their lives. I was excited and ready to begin anew.
However, I did not know how strongly that purpose would soon be tested.
In 2014 I was travelling on a bus when the driver suddenly pulled on the emergency brake and sent me hurtling forward into the aisle. I was rushed to hospital with fractured vertebrae. Over the next few days time stood still as I waited for a verdict. I had every major test done to scan my body. On the fourth day a team of surgeons arrived and the head surgeon told me in a matter of fact kind of way that I had to choose between invasive surgery to fuse two vertebrae and enclose them in a cage to protect the spinal cord, or to wear a brace for nine weeks and wait to see if the vertebrae would heal naturally. If not, I would still require surgery.
All my life choices seemed to have led me to this second crossroad. I knew I could support others with my purpose but did I have the resolve to empower myself to flourish? 
I chose to have the brace, and for nine long, mentally confronting weeks I had to garner all my strength and coach myself to do all the right actions required to support my healing. I listened to inspirational and motivating speakers on a daily basis and disciplined myself to walk at least two hours a days from one room to the next in the house. I was not comfortable to walk outside as I could not look down at where I was stepping and needed to be cautious to ensure that I would not trip on the odd crack or barrier along the footpath. I was blessed to have two nurses that came every day to change the brace and gently clean my neck. They told me stories to make me laugh and give me courage. I meditated and breathed into the verterbra, while I visualised their healing and I repeated positive mantras of healing out loud.
Finally, the day of the final assessment from the surgeon arrived. After a long wait to see the surgeon he spoke in the matter of fact way that he had shared the initial news and simply stated yes you can take the brace off now. Shocked, I had to ask him to clarify what that meant.. Finally he told me that the vertebrae had come together within two millimetres, with much greater precision than if I had chosen surgery. When I heard this an enormous rush of emotion fuelled my whole body I could hardly believe what I heard the result was extraordinary. I walked outside the hospital and tears streamed across my face of joy, gratitude and grace. A blessing to be alive.
The illness and the accident became a blessing through which to explore my life and confirm my purpose. After these experiences I had a renewed power and commitment to bring to my coaching.
In 2010, I invested in getting the best coach training to obtain a Certificate IV and then a Diploma level certification to cover personal and business coaching, leadership and mentoring. I have six years of direct experience in delivering coaching services to inspire people from diverse sectors and circumstances to create positive changes in their lives, careers, and business. I feel honoured to be of service to every client who makes the first step in their own courageous journey by entering my door.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Coming soon:
Louise's five tips to choosing a coach when facing the 3 C's of life 
Louise Keramaris is an exceptional Coach, Facilitator and Trainer who works with people of diverse backgrounds and empowers clients to flourish in their careers and lives.
Her key areas of interest are career development and transition, leadership and business coaching, relationships and personal growth coaching, plus tailored training, facilitation, and mentoring services.
She draws on twenty years in senior leadership roles in Commonwealth, state and local governments, improving outcomes and managing change for the benefit of communities and six years as a certified coach empowering people to flourish in their lives, relationships and work. She holds a Cert IV and Diploma of Leadership, Coaching and Mentoring and Bachelor of Arts. Louise is a proficient Action Learning Coach, Certified PRISM practitioner, World Café Facilitator, Certified Trainer and Master Facilitator.
As Founder and Coaching Director of Infinite Inspiration, Louise is available to partner with individuals and organisations for outstanding and powerful outcomes. Contact Louise on 0438 033 434 or
Posted in:CoachingMentoringInfinite InspirationCareer transition |