Inspirational Resources 
Over the years, as part of my commitment to my own growth and development I have embraced the teachings of priceless mentors, coaches, trainers, books and diverse practices and techniques.
I incorporate these various teachings and resources in my toolbox and depending on the needs of my clients I may use them as part of a coaching session or in my training and facilitation work, subject to assessing what will be of the best benefit to my client at the time.
I am a firm believer in sharing these with you and also giving due recognition and gratitude to the key people that have contributed to shaping who I am today.
I will continue to add to this list and incorporate my own resources.
If you are reading this and have a resource that has helped you in your life that you would like to recommend and share I would love to hear from you. Please send an email and let us know. If you have any feedback or questions about these resources I would also like to hear from you.
The 5 Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz 
Don Miguel Ruiz is a renowned spiritual teacher and international best-selling author. This engaging book, that can be read over a weekend, outlines 5 practical principles for how to shift your mindset and transform your life. The book has now been read by millions around the world. I had the pleasure of hearing Don Miguel Ruiz speak a few years ago at a conference in Melbourne. A humble and gentle teacher he shared such beautiful stories of his Toltec ancestry with pride. Applying these principles have helped me to:
- See that many of the perceptions and judgements that I held about interactions and actions of people are just extensions of beliefs and interpretations that I've made up.
- Release me from negative emotions that are not serving me
- Create a sense of freedom from my "thoughts"
- Raise awareness of my own values and behaviour
- Keep me true to my values and how I choose to live so that I reflect more on what and how I do something and the intention behind "why" I'm doing it.
Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT 
EFT is a combination of Ancient Chinese Acupressure and psychology and aims to improve health and wellbeing whilst releasing emotions that are stored in your body.
I discovered EFT when I was seeking tools to better understand my emotions and my triggers, how they are stored in my body and to bring to the surface blocked emotional stuff that maybe the root to dis-ease in my body. There is a wealth of evidence on this which is ultimately the impact on stress in our lives. I have certainly found it a powerful tool to make me more aware of the unconscious auto-pilot thought patterns what I call the "background mind-noise". I've made significant shifts to recognize the core root of why I may be feeling the way I am in any moment with this process.
There are many videos and resources on EFT that you can find online. A leader in this field that hosts an annual free world-wide online conferences on EFT is Nick Ortner. This is the link to his website. Nick is a New York Times Best-Selling Author of the Book "The Tapping Solution".
And a "How to Tap How to Tap: Emotional Freedom Technique Informational video"
If you like these resources and more importantly if they have helped you in some way we would love to hear from you. Please send an email and give us your feedback. Thank you