Client Testimonials 
I worked with Louise during a time when I had an unexplainable feeling of discontent and being 'stuck' in life. Louise is an exceptional listener. She has a warm, non-judgemental presence and I felt like I could delve into issues that I had not shared with others. Through patient questioning and asking me to observe how I was reacting to life, I was able to clearly see that I was going through a transition period. It was a relief to realise that not everything in my world needed an overhaul. With Louise's help, I reframed my attitude about myself and others in my world. I learnt to communicate my wishes more accurately and promptly. Louise is very gentle and encouraging and when I finished sessions with her, I really felt empowered to make changes in my world.
Anna Mitchell
Drama Teacher
Mentone Girls' Grammar School
One of the many benefits I have gained from my exposure to coaching was the capacity to physically, and mentally reposition myself when interrogating a problem and subsequently view the problem from my own view point and also from a viewpoint that wasn't prejudiced by my narrow perspective. This has made me far more empathetic. I would recommend coaching to anyone that is balancing competing demands and accountabilities across government and community and perhaps has not had the opportunity to sit back and reflect on how best they can take care of and serve themselves whilst in the process of serving others at the highest level. Having undertaken coaching with Louise, and even undertaking coaching training myself, I recognise the distinct personal skills and attributes that make the coaching process delivered by Louise a genuinely profound experience and I would recommend Louise to deliver this support due to her knowledge and proficiency in the coaching method, as well as her inherent personal attributes that deepen the experience.
Zack Haddock
Manager, Koorie Education
Department of Education and Training
The biggest benefit for me was the ability to explore areas of work which needed improving and take the time to nut that out with a coach who asked the right questions to find the solutions. It allowed me to clear my head and work through a process focusing on nothing else but my topic of interest. Going through a step by step process where specific questions were asked that allowed me to identify the strategies or solutions to my issues. The plans developed were long term (more than 3 years' worth of work). I continue to use the methods used in the coaching to assist me with my planning. Louise, you introduced me to the coaching concept and since that time I have also progressed my coaching abilities by receiving more than three years of one-to-one coaching which now allows me to work and coach our staff regularly. Coaching with Louise can only end positively. It has greatly assisted the manner in which we do business. We can now enjoy and celebrate our achievements rather than focus on the negative all the time.
Lisa Anderson
Koorie Education Co-ordinator
Department of Education and Training
When I started my coaching relationship with Louise, I was depressed, confused and I was spinning in circles. I can say I was having a life crisis and wasn't coping with what was happening to me health wise. I wasn't used to having restrictions and pain. Louise felt instantly what I was going through. Louise was instrumental in helping me move forward. Life Coaching with Louise has helped me see things differently and made me understand that focusing on negative things actually makes you get worse in whatever situation you are in. Life Coaching has helped me with the following: Making decisions based on my needs, making decisions without emotions, letting go of guilt, and I have learnt to say to myself, "is this the best for me because I deserve the absolute best in everything I do" and the most helpful thing Louise taught me is that I have learned how to stay focused on my goals. I highly recommend Louise as an excellent Life Coach. Every day I go through an internal "Thank You" process for Louise for making me realise life is precious and that I can cope with anything that life throws at me.
Client chose to remain anonymous to respect privacy
The greatest benefit was looking at the career prism from different perspectives. The process Louise walked me through helped re-ignite my sense of adventure and be open to opportunities when you stop being busy doing things out of fear. I think coaching is extremely valuable for anyone over 40 regardless of the industry, sector or type of work they do. Coaching by the right person can help you effectively navigate the competitive and ageist employment landscape of recruitment. Louise is passionate about helping people realise their full potential. Her professional yet down to earth approach makes the journey fun and insightful. While I knew what was required to transition careers as a mature person, Louise helped bring out an untapped curiosity that encouraged me to see past the fear and perfunctory recruitment/employment process.
Liz Ruggieri transitioned from marketing into philanthropic fundraising a few years ago working for causes she is passionate about.
Working with Louise came at a time in my life when I was experiencing some work related trauma. I trusted Louise as I had a previous working relationship with her. I never actually thought beyond that. I felt and was left feeling a sense of peace throughout our coaching sessions which allowed me to be myself, speak my truths and seek the solutions I needed to clarify my directions and thoughts. She empowered me professionally, personally, as a woman and as an Aboriginal woman. By the time we finished coaching I had a clear brand, redefined goals and key strengths which allowed me to re-enter the world strong, proud and focused. I was able to reflect on my strengths, my weaknesses and who I was. She had me reflecting on branding Paulleen. I regained my strength, I became well body, mind and spirit. I gained a new job. I was able to "test" the coaching strategies to gain a position that allowed me to speak my truth, played to my strengths and enable me to live my values. Coaching with Louise enabled me to align my values with a vision. I now drive my career with clarity, I live my passion with confidence and I am energised by living my truth. Working with Louise has allowed me to be the best: person I can be wife I can be mother I can be sister, aunty and friend I can be. Louise is very culturally safe, she has an inner spirit that is welcoming and draws you to her. She is gentle and is able to allow time for the solutions to be found. Louise offers sound, practical and meaningful advice for you to seek the solutions- she doesn't tell you what to do. "This experience has changed who I am, I am the best me. I just lost me for a while". Louise presented at the right time in my life. I would not be where I am today if it were not for her patience, love, friendship, professionalism and humor. She reminded me "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent".
Paulleen Markwort
Department of Health and Human Services
I met Louise a number of years ago and I was immediately struck by her genuine warmth, empathy and wisdom. I witnessed some of her processes in assisting an individual who had not worked for a number of years. Louise skilfully enabled the individual to work out her own skill set, her own valuable experiences and in doing so I saw someone transform from a depressed state into a confident and capable individual who was successfully chosen as an employee at her first job interview. I give absolute credit to Louise 'holding' this individual with dignity and for Louise having a sincere belief that everyone deserves and can achieve their aspirations Louise would say 'dreams' but I am not as esoteric as Louise. Since this time, I have referred many of my clients to Louise, particularly those who have lost their way in life or in their career. Louise is a signpost I recommend that we all stop at.
Pam Copperwaite
Consultant Psychologist
Clinical, Child & Forensic